Adding a K9000 Self serve dog wash to your business presents an amazing opportunity to generate revenue. With 36.5% of Canadian households owning dogs, there exists an enormous market that is currently unserved. With costs per dog wash around $1.20-$1.50 and prices per wash ranging from $10-$15 for 10 minutes, introducing a dog wash is an excellent investment. Prices are completely configurable so profit margins could be even greater, especially with the new bonus feature for adding additional time e.g. $4 for another 6 minutes. Many customers add supplementary products to their pet wash area like our pet vending machines or pet bedding washers and dryers. These are great products to offer a captive market. For existing businesses, the increase in customer traffic also results in increases in overall revenue. Some see anything from 13% to over 40% in their first year.
You can pay off your K9000 dog wash quickly with as little as 2 dog washes per day while still obtaining a healthy profit margin. Several of our customers have even used the profits from their initial dog wash towards the purchase of a second dog wash station.
Calculate your Estimated Profit by entering in Price per wash, Number of expected washes per week and Estimated costs per wash. If you wish to see an Estimated Payback period, select the Estimated Payback period box and enter the Total purchase price.
If you like to see approximate lease payments based on the Price per wash and the Purchase price, select the Lease button. You will have either the option to make the final payment 10% of the total price or you can make a $10 payment. Either way you will see the number of dogs you need to wash per day.
Get your Dog Wash Equipment Now …. AND PAY LATER
We provide leases on Dog wash equipment, dog wash buildings and vending machines. This includes renovations, installations, shipping, taxes and purchase price.
With our K9000 Leasing program you can pay affordable monthly payments while earning profits operating your dog wash or vending machine.
Deferred and Seasonal payments available.
*Financing based on credit approval.

Leasing offers many benefits:
- Leasing helps with cash flow and ensures your money stays in the business for day to day operating expenses, expansion and emergencies.
- By leasing you do not affect your current or future ability to borrow from a bank, allowing you to conserve lines of credit and loans for other expenditures.
- Our Leasing program also allows you to purchase more dog washes, and a better quality dog wash than otherwise might have been affordable.
- Leasing maintains a security interest in the equipment on lease only, while banks maintain a security interest on all company assets and require detailed financial disclosure of business and personal information.
- Finally, monthly lease payments may have a taxable treatment – speak to your Accountant to see if you qualify.